
楼主 |
发表于 2008-6-4 20:11:49
This VI measures the Frequency Response Function (FRF频率响应函数) of a device under test (DUT). It generates a broadband stimulus signal to excite the DUT. The magnitude and phase of the DUT output are compared to the stimulus signal to calculate the FRF. (这个VI测量一个 被测器件的频率响应函数。它产生一个宽带激励信号来激发被 测器件。 被测器件的输出信号的幅值和相位与发生信号之比得到频率响应函数。)
Refer to the wiring diagram to physically connect the DSA or DAQ device to the DUT. This example uses two analog input channels and one analog output channel. Note that the analog output is connected to both the DUT input and to the first analog input channel on the measurement device. (关于这个仪器到被测器件的接线图。这个例子使用2个模拟输入通道和一个模拟输出通道。记录测量设备上那个同时连接到 被测器件和第一个模拟输入通道的输出通道。)
The wiring diagram assumes that you use the default channel settings. If you change the channel settings in the VI front panel you should adjust the physical connections appropriately.(接线图假设采用错误通道设置。如果在VI前面板改变通道设置,你应该适当调整物理连线。)
NI strongly recommends that you take precautions to limit the effects of out-of-band aliasing in your frequency domain measurements. DSA devices use transparent digital and analog hardware filtering to eliminate aliased input and output frequencies. Multifunction DAQ devices are more susceptible to the effects of aliased frequencies. If you are using a non-DSA measurement device, we recommend addressing potential aliasing through high sampling rates, built-in analog filters on S Series devices, and/or external analog filters.(NI强烈建议你限制超出频率范围的混淆现象。DSA设备使用简明的数字和模拟滤波器除去多余的输入和输出频率。多功能的DAQ设备更加容易处理冗余频率。如果没有使用DSA测量设备,我们推荐你在高频时取样,内置一个模拟滤波器或者额外的滤波器。)
DAQ Configuration: device propagation delay [samples](DAQ配置:设备传播延迟)
This parameter quantifies the time, measured in sample intervals, between when a sample of data is generated on analog output and when it is read on the analog input. Common sources of delay are analog or digital filters and propagation time for acoustical or mechanical signals. The combined delay of the digital anti-aliasing and anti-imaging filters on the NI PCI-4451 and PCI-4551 devices is approximately 77 samples. When using a multifunction E Series or S Series device, we recommend entering a delay of 1 sample. An easy way to determine this delay for any given measurement system is to run SVT Measure Propagation Delay.vi. This VI is available from the LabVIEW Functions palette under Sound and Vibration >> Calibration.(这个时间的量化参数,采集间隔,在一个数据在模拟输出产生后至被模拟输入信号读取。共源极的延迟是模拟数字和传播时间因视觉和机械而产生的。在NI PCI-4451和PCI-4551设备上, 那数字和拟波产生的组合延迟相当于77个采集样本。当我们使用多功能E系列或者S系列设备时,我们建延迟一个样本输入。一个简单的对于任何假定设备的延迟解决方法就是运行SVT测量的延迟VI。这个VI来自与LABVIEW的功能摸板,在Sound and Vibration >> Calibration内。
Source Settings: signal type(信号类型)
This control allows you to specify the type of stimulus signal you would like to generate. All of the available signal sources are broadband stimuli with frequency content ranging from just above DC to the value specified in the "Maximum Frequency of Interest" control. Note that if you use the "Chirp" or "Frequency flat chirp" signal types, you should select "None" for the window type.(这种控制允许你指定你想要的激励信号的类型。所有可用的信号源的频谱来自指定的直流电的量,其取决于最大响应频率。记录下那类型,如果使用“波峰”或者“频率”的信号特征,你应该选择“无”给那窗口类型。
Source Settings: maximum frequency of interest [Hz](源设定:最高响应频率)
This setting controls the sampling rate for input and output. The sampling rate is 2.5 times the value of this control. Reducing the maximum frequency of interest may help if you encounter issues of data transfer bandwidth.这种输入和输出的控制式样选择之比。每次量的确取样比是2.5。降低最高响应频率可以在遇到数据溢出时帮助我们。
Measurement Settings: frequency resolution [Hz](测量设定:频率分解)
This setting controls the width of a single frequency bin in the frequency response measurement. Improving the frequency resolution requires more data points per average. Thus, the acquisition block size increases with finer frequency resolutions. Improving (i.e. reducing) the frequency resolution may help if you encounter issues of data transfer bandwidth. (这种设置在录放频幅响应测量中控制单一频率的带宽。提高频率 从而获得字区大小随频率分解而增长。提高频率 还可以遇到带宽数据溢出时帮助我们。
Measurement Settings: window(测量设定:窗口)
This setting controls the time-domain window applied to the input signals before the frequency response function is calculated. If you use the "Chirp" or "Frequency flat chirp" excitation types, you should not apply a window.(这种设定控制时域窗口将输入信号在录放频率响应函数之前采用。如果使用
"Chirp"或者"Frequency flat chirp" 激励信号,不用打开新窗口。
Measurement Settings: settle time (测量设置:时间设定)
This control allows you to specify a time interval between when the stimulus generation starts and when the measurement actually begins. This time interval will be coerced to an integer number of data blocks. If your DUT has a significant transient response to the start of a stimulus signal, select the appropriate settle time to allow this transient response to pass.(这种设定允许你指定一个时间间隔在激励发生和测量实际开始之间。这个间隔必须是一个数据类型的整数。如果你的被测器件对于这个激励信号有明显的过渡反应,选择适当的时间间隔使这个过渡反应忽略。 |